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Typhoon Muifa (TCCOR 1C)


Just a quick update, we are at TCCOR 1C and it is starting to get windy.  It has rained off and on most of the day, but that is about as exciting as it gets.  Unless you count the building starting to vibrate a little with the wind gusts.  The typhoon is currently a category 2, the last time I checked.

So we are still playing the waiting game for it to actually get here.  Although I did run down and throw up the typhoon bar in the garage and they have shut off our elevators until after the typhoon has passed.

At this rate there seems to still be a decent chance I will get a “typhoon day” tomorrow and will not have to go to work.  Its kind of like a “snow day,” but without the snow and cold.  Instead it is wet and most likely debris.  I’ll post another update if/when we make it to 1E.  That is unless I am in bed sleeping while we are in 1E.  If that happens I’ll post an update in the morning.

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