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Knock, Knock... Who's there?! Mochi... Mochi Who?! Mochi For You!

In one of those "Only in Japan Okinawa”, moments I had someone ringing the doorbell and knocking on the door at the same time.  I am thinking great now what?!  I open it to find a nice Okinawan woman who is selling Mochi of all kinds!

Just in case you forgot, let’s review mochi is a Japanese rice cake made of glutinous rice pounded into paste and molded into shape. (Via Wikipedia https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Mochi) 

In the picture, you are seeing strawberry on the plate, orange, and...well let's just say I was too excited to listen to her tell me what the other two were.  Instead, I ran and got Yen all while she was trying to quick ask me if I wanted anything else.  I paid her for the mochi and thanked her for it in English and Japanese, arigato gozaimasu. 

This then led to the next highlight of the night.  I caught her off guard with the Japanese and I'm thinking great... what great insult did I just say by miss pronouncing Japanese.  However, she told me my Japanese was very good.  Wow didn't see that one coming.  Yes, I have been here for almost two years, but I live in little America.  Anyway, instead, she took me off guard and I thanked her again and told her that her English was very good, because it really was and off I went into the apartment to eat some MOCHI!  (Sorry no picture was taken of that, because well... I enjoyed one, put the rest in the fridge, and then went back to NCAA 11, xbox360 college football game :)

Hope everyone has a good rest of the week!  I'm looking forward to the weekend! ;)

- Brandon

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