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World Fest Okinawa 2010!

Hawaiian Dancers

Hawaiian Dancers

For Valentine's Day, we decided to check out World Fest.  They had everything from an ice sculpture, to dancers doing a variety of ethic dances representing a number of different countries, to all kinds of different foods.  Festivals are definitely a great place to try all kinds of different foods!

It was especially interesting for us watching the Hawaiian Hula dancers, since the night before we had watched Lilo and Stitch, one of the extras on the DVD showed you how to hula.  From what we saw, we were able to pick out a few of the different hula moves. (We had a small piece of Hawaii in Okinawa :)

A few of the other dancers included Indian belly dancers, Spanish dancers, and salsa dancers.

Overall, it was a good festival and probably one we would check out again.  The food was good and even the rain held off long enough for us to enjoy the atmosphere.

Check out the photos in the photo gallery from World Fest.

- Brandon

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